星期三, 7月 20, 2005

Analogia Star Estimator

Ha! You know... Somebody tells me that I look like Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings, how do you think? ^_^

Try this cool website! I found it from my friend's blog. Just upload your photo and click where your eyes are, then submit it! Now look! Which star do you look like mostly?

This is really a cool application of Face Recognition. Maybe the kernel isn't so compicated. Maybe there is just some simple kernel inside such as Similarity Estimation. But they just can apply these available technologies to such innovative and suitable field.

Sometimes we try hard to develop a perfect Security System with most advanced algorithm. But we still get failed due to the recongition rate. Because this kind of application have to be very precise (100%) even its recognition rate is already 99.9%. But there is always no right answer of 'Look Like'. This isn't a so serious problem. To change some direction and add a little bit originalities will bring many present ineffectual tecnologies back to life.

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