星期一, 3月 30, 2009


上週六參加Sweet100第十場的活動:Plurk共同創辦人-Alvin Woon 「The rise, history and future of microblogging」微網誌的過去、現在與未來,詳細官方記錄可以參考Sweet100部落格


  • 140字的限制來自於當初Mobile SMS的字數限制,所以這種條件可以和mobile device有很好的互通性。
  • 大家很好奇Plurk從0到現在,是如何做到的,一開始是如何進行的?其實總結應該就像Mr.6說的,擊中了甜蜜點+口耳相傳的口碑行銷。著重在用戶需求,跟著用戶一起成長。幾乎沒打什麼廣告。
  • 如何開創出這種微型網誌的新應用,下面這張圖值得參考:
    這個圖說明了這種Microblogging的特殊利基點所在(我個人好奇的是,這種分析圖,究竟是成功以後(事後)分析出來的?還是在切入這個領域前就先 進行的分析呢?),可以看出右上方那個象限在twitter/Plurk出現前是個空白的藍海。(演講投影片可以參考連結:The Rise, History And Future Of Microblogging
  • 後續可發展技術:Real-Time Searching Engine。聽說這個咚咚很難,如何快速搜尋到1 min,甚至是20 secs前的最新文章,牽扯到不少indexing和database最佳化問題... 這我不大懂,不過據說連Google在這塊都還在努力就是了。
  • 如何創造營收?在Socail Communication的相關應用裡(如:Facebook等),廣告是頗令人排斥的玩意兒(因為大家上來主要是找朋友,不是找商品,所以不喜歡看到 廣告)。Alvin提出類似QQ利用Virtual Goods的方式創造營收,是個可行方向,如特殊顏色/形式的浪...等,一個收費1~2元,以價低量大的方式增加收入。

另外,這場演講意外的收穫是,我遇到了以前工研院的同事,原來,他跟我一樣一直對網路創業很有興趣;但不一樣的是,他去年已經從IC設計公司離職,全職投入網路事業了... 真是佩服!

4 意見:

go2act 提到...



Andy 提到...

Actually the whole package of 3G iphone service is much cheaper in Taiwan than in the US. Let me explain:

First take a look at the AT&T site:

Then you do the math, see below;

If you purchase in Los Angeles, the tax is 8.25%

Iphone phone price is: 199*(1+8.25%)=215.42 USD
Data plan is 30 USD
The lowest talk plan is 39.99 USD
So, the total monthly payment is (30+39.99)*(1+8.25%)=75.76
However, it's a fixed plan for two years. That means you will have to spend 75.76*24=1818.24
Finally, your total cost of using the iphone is 215.42+1818.24= 2033.66
If we use the ratio USD to NTD is 1:32, then it is NT: 65,077

When iphone came to Taiwan last year, I already did the comparing and research. Here in Taiwan we have so many different plans for iphone. The range from 0~63000 bounded two years. All you have to do is do the math and pickup which one fit your request. However in US, you don't have any choose on that. After all, I think the most important thing is -- if you don't want the 3G internet service with your phone, I don't think you need to buy iphone.

Last year when my brother came back from San Francisco to visit me here in Taiwan, he was amazing that Taiwan iphone service and ISP internet price is way cheaper than US. The ISP in US already implemented the cap on data bytes for a while. Don't you believe it? Here is the recently story.

In Taiwan, we don't have the limitation on upload and download limit per GB. However, US did. In addition, the internet service is horrible. For example, here in Taiwan we could get the internet within an average of 3 days. In the US it took about one or two weeks. I used to wait their service for two months just a phone and internet connection. One of my friends who even once waited the service for 6 months.

There are lots of terrible story that I had when I received my advanced study in US long ago. My friends in Taiwan acted envy and jealous on the lifestyle in US. Well, I told them "You guys already live in paradise that you don't know for a while. The reason why you're envy is because of the evil of US marketing, and also the Hollywood."

Do you know why we have economics crisis from US? I bet you already know why.


indiana 提到...

歡迎光臨~ 請多多指教!^_^

indiana 提到...
