星期四, 6月 11, 2009


好友Andy經常和我分享很多新奇的主題與想法,他看到我最近對Android這麼有興趣,也提供了許多很棒的資訊。信件最後他分別就「市場」與「品牌」兩個項目,去分析最近最火熱的4種智慧型手機:iPhone, Android Phone, Blackberry RIM與Palm Pre。以下節錄部分內容,在市場方面:
  • iPhone and their future tablet pc: Limited but concentrated. Has a huge fan based generate the market share and profit. Apple company as a central control in the hardware and software quality.
  • Google Android and their future embedded device in any kinds:Unlimited but fragmented. It also has a huge fan based in any kinds. But it will more focus on their products scale and extension to the others.
  • Blackberry RIM: Business world. I think someday android could port to blackberry since it's almost free.
  • Palm Pre: Small but will grow fast. Since it claim their app can be developed in html and javascript like web application, I don't think they can compete with iphone and android right now. Palm's business and market strategic is kind of terrible.

  • 手機等移動裝置與傳統PC、Server不同,使用者最關心的不一定是功能、控制、安全與穩定性等,他們更重視的是手機的外觀與質感等使用者體驗(不過這點或許見仁見智,我個人就挺重視功能與待機時間)
  • Apple在工業設計上仍居領導地位,iPhone其非常有獨特地位,給人很強的聯想性。但Android沒有專有手機,走的是多元可擴充產品方向。
其中在Android部分,他提到了"Why Android Could Be Headed for the Laundry Room"這篇文章。讓我想到了過去在幾個朋友組成的MBM讀書會中,有提過家電控制等應用,總覺得各家電器沒有統一的標準平台,很難做到便利控制與互通性。現在有了Android,逐漸看到除了手機、筆電等熱門應用,許多其他電子設備也開始採用(如:之前plurk過的Android也被運用在自動化控制設備系統了Sony的Walkman即將採用Android平台...等),是否讓這個可能性更加提高了呢?

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