星期三, 10月 28, 2009

用 SketchUp 簡單玩室內設計

拗了這麼多年,終於買了個屬於自己的房子!由於沒預算請設計師,所以想說自己來試試看。剛開始還想說自己動手畫圖,後來發現 Google 有個免費軟體「SketchUp」,實在是太令人驚喜啦!軟體還有支援繁體中文版,你說是不是揪甘心?

這個軟體要上手並不難,只要把他們提供的示範教學影片大概看過,就很夠用了... 如果發現有些元件懶得自己畫,也可以上網去下載別人分享的3D模型,這真的是很方便!(當初開發這家軟體的廠商,好像就是用這套軟體來幫 Google Maps 建立 3D 建築模型。後來被 Google 買下,免費開放給一般大眾使用,主要應該是為了借助鄉民的力量來建立 3D 地圖吧...)


另外比較重要的木作就是書櫃了... 我和內人都喜歡看書,尤其是內人的書更是多到爆(加入讀書會後更是...),所以我們需要大容量的書櫃,最理想的就是「雙層書櫃」了。找不到現成的 3D 模型下載,所以我就參考了一下網路上的照片,自己畫了一個...


ps. 中古屋要整修、裝潢等哩哩摳摳的項目,還真是挺多、挺雜的... 呼~ 加油!十分期待這個屬於我們的溫馨小窩~

4 意見:

阿男 提到...




Andy 提到...

Dude. Good to know you like the software.
In 3D modeling field like civil engineering, architect, mechanical, industrial design and 3D animation ... etc has so many choices on modeling software to do the job. Maya, 3D Max, AutoCAD..and of course, Google SketchUp.

In architecture design, as far as I know (my brother told me, he works for www.som.com) , junior designers use SketchUp for initial prototype due to easy to use. After that they convert to Autodesk's product format to do the detail. Other seniors they just direct go to Autodesk's software. It's the same as some programmers prefer notepad, but others prefer more comprehensive tools.

Anyway, as long as it does the job and work, it is a good tool.

Hope your contractor or carpenter is very good. And make sure you or someone can supervise the work.


indiana 提到...


indiana 提到...

Ya, it is really easy to use.