星期日, 6月 21, 2009


「Don't be evil!」當初我第一次聽到Google的這句公司信條時,直覺反應是:「有這麼誇張嗎?」隨著Google的快速壯大與力量,我終於懂了他們為何如此自我期許...

還記得第一次使用Google產品,是在研究所時代... 那時為了論文需要查詢許多資訊,在學長的推薦使用下,我從此成為Google的忠實粉絲。

星期五, 6月 12, 2009

Google Calendar(日曆)簡易使用說明


我認為社團的行事曆建立非常重要,一來方便幹部安排活動行程不會撞期,二來方便社會大眾快速查詢活動時間與內容,所以希望幹部們都先能學會使用很棒的Google Calendar(以下簡稱GC)。這裡就為大家簡單介紹一下GC的使用方法:

星期四, 6月 11, 2009


好友Andy經常和我分享很多新奇的主題與想法,他看到我最近對Android這麼有興趣,也提供了許多很棒的資訊。信件最後他分別就「市場」與「品牌」兩個項目,去分析最近最火熱的4種智慧型手機:iPhone, Android Phone, Blackberry RIM與Palm Pre。以下節錄部分內容,在市場方面:
  • iPhone and their future tablet pc: Limited but concentrated. Has a huge fan based generate the market share and profit. Apple company as a central control in the hardware and software quality.
  • Google Android and their future embedded device in any kinds:Unlimited but fragmented. It also has a huge fan based in any kinds. But it will more focus on their products scale and extension to the others.
  • Blackberry RIM: Business world. I think someday android could port to blackberry since it's almost free.
  • Palm Pre: Small but will grow fast. Since it claim their app can be developed in html and javascript like web application, I don't think they can compete with iphone and android right now. Palm's business and market strategic is kind of terrible.

星期一, 6月 08, 2009

2009 X-Studio之「DV偵探」開拍嘍!


昨天拍戲地點是在台北市中山北路的典藏藝術餐廳(這餐廳真是優秀,免費贊助藝文團體的活動,這次大力支持X工作坊的拍攝,場地超級豪華的!)根據夏導的有感而發:隨著年紀增長,我們逐漸驕縱,現在有冷氣的室內戲越來越多了... 沒辦法像以前年輕時頂著大太陽那樣幹了... (如果你看到他們去年在樂生、白沙灣的大太陽底下揮汗、三個人躲在反光板下揮灑熱情,就懂他在說啥...)