星期日, 6月 21, 2009


「Don't be evil!」當初我第一次聽到Google的這句公司信條時,直覺反應是:「有這麼誇張嗎?」隨著Google的快速壯大與力量,我終於懂了他們為何如此自我期許...

還記得第一次使用Google產品,是在研究所時代... 那時為了論文需要查詢許多資訊,在學長的推薦使用下,我從此成為Google的忠實粉絲。



Google Calendar
最近接下公益社團的資訊組工作,我首先就是推薦他們使用Google Calendar這項服務。他能夠讓社團所有幹部在上面訂出活動時間而不互相衝突,更能讓想要參與社團活動的朋友,一目了然清楚所有活動的行程,真的是非常方便好用的工具。在我強烈暗示下,有人發掘了免費的SMS服務,真是讓他們大吃一驚!至於社團網站,我當然是二話不說地選擇Google Sites嘍!簡單不過的協作平台、多樣的版型、豐富的gadget,這簡直是天上掉下來的禮物啊!(協同工作的方便性是網路發展的本質

Google Maps
無論是出差或旅遊,Google Maps絕對是事前準備必定拜訪的網站。看著那一顆顆定位的小燈泡,你對於所有拜訪過的地點、相對位置等再清楚不過。路徑規劃、大眾運輸系統規劃,更是讓你輕鬆掌握方向。想看看國道車流狀況?查詢風景名勝位置?網友推薦的餐館位置?任何跟地圖有關的應用,上去安裝個地圖小工具就一清二楚了!(為了提供更便利、直覺得使用流程,我們創造了MyFunWoo.com的法拍屋查詢網站

我架設網站,所以用Google Analytics觀察流量與統計資料;我想查詢某些事件的熱門程度,我用Google Trends觀察網路行為;我想把一些好的文章與知識記錄下來,我用Google Notebook儲存分類;我追蹤某些關鍵字的最新發展,我用Google Alerts自動告訴我最新消息;我想統計社團成員的意見,我用Google Docs的Form做問卷...

對Google如此為使用者著想而佩服不已的我,更是對Android著迷... 在電腦平台上主打開放精神的Google,也將這精神帶入手機系統,一個更加廣大的應用族群!想在手機上找到適合的應用程式,不用再受限於硬體廠商或系統服務提供者,只需要一個簡單的下載動作... 這絕對是往後幾年的大趨勢,我已深受吸引,跳入開發程式的行列~(如同電影「臥虎藏龍」的李慕白所說:「握緊雙手,什麼也沒有;張開雙手,擁有的是全世界!」

Google Wave
我只能說,大家等著瞧吧... Google總是能在你懷疑:「Google還有什麼還沒做?」的情況下,給你意外的驚喜...(增進溝通互動的便利與即時性,永遠是人們所追尋的
當Google提供了所有人們所需要的工具,當人們再也離不開Google;當這不再只是「一起Google一天!」,而是「一起Google一輩子!」的時候,你我便不難體會Google為何會喊出這句「Don't be evil!」的口號了...

5 意見:

Andy 提到...

"Don't be evil" is just an advertisement tactic to lure world developers and their clients. It's a great motto between their PR (public relationship) with any kinds of industries. By the way, if Google can't lure people, how do they make profits on advertisement business?

I can understand that it's cool to develop a product with big fan based corporation. It's the same as people develop windows products back to the golden era of Microsoft. The only difference is which company can improve their own products fast, secure and simple.

In my humble opinion, until now Google still doesn't have real innovation products coming out. I can point out each of their products back to the original invention. Start from their search engine, adsense, Google Map and GIS, gmail....and then google wave (integrated XMPP protocol.....oh, man, dude, remember I used instant message to chat to you long time ago? That's the protocol that I used to chat with all of my friends). So, the only cool things on Google is that they know how to do the components improvement and integration. Carefully do the mining on the searched data of their each products. Here is an example:

Goodbye, Google
That is a guy did the design on some of Google's product interface. I believe right now he's in facebook. The reason he left Google is that Google doing so many HCI stuff. However, I think that's the real smart way on Google to do the analysis on data. He, as a designer, might not understand the common human interactive behavior.

After all, I believe Google will slowly withdraw their motto on don't be evil thing. Here is the article:
Here is the "Don't be Evil" Story:

"Don't be evil" is just a marketing slogan. It's a way to lure most anti-regulation people. Because people hate to be regulated and restricted, the slogan could generate a huge fans around. And because most of people hate to spend time on the business strategy research, the slogan will always be a trademark-alike mask on a company after all.

Don't be evil or angel? Who knows!
Just dig into anything you like and make it improved. It's good for you life, and others.


go2act 提到...

google fan

比较深入的google fan.

多些介绍google的一些产品哦。 :)

go2act 提到...


我是真的希望看到介绍google产品具体应用的文章了。 哈哈,我觉得google改变生活。


indiana 提到...

謝謝Andy的回覆... 你每次的來信與回應總是附帶許多參考連結與豐富資訊,讓小弟受益良多!


至於「Don't be evil!」這個標語,對Google而言或許只是一句行銷上的口號,但是對我而言,這已然是許多使用者對他的期許了... 「權力導致腐敗,絕對權力導致絕對腐敗」,當Google掌握了資訊的力量,他如何權衡、考量、執行決定,都在在影響牽動著數以萬計的人們。但Google再如何強大,畢竟是「人」在掌舵... 但願他們能將這句口號,持續深植在他們的心中與產品的精神中...

indiana 提到...

還好啦,我還是個資歷很淺的google fan...
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